They had a dispute with management and went to cross town competitor, KULF-AM, where they dropped the Hudson and Harrigan moniker and started using their own names. There, Stevens and Pruett had yet another dispute with management at KULF, then elected to pull up stakes and head north up I-45 to The Eagle in Dallas where guessed it... had a dispute with management and that in part, ultimately lead to their return to Houston. At KLOL, they still had plenty of disputes with management, but management had little choice but to take it because The S&P Show was soon cranking out ratings and generating voluminous advertising revenues.
The show was adult oriented with strong sexual overtones . Humor was the main focus. Rarely was the comedy ever particularly high brow, but it wasn’t always at a common, every man’s level either. I often thought it was smart humor, albeit sexual in nature.
In fact, Mark and Jim helped pioneer the broadcast concept, often called ”blue humor” or “shock jock” radio, that many morning hosts have tried to imitate. S&P did it long before Stern ever did. Before Opie and Anthony, Bob and Tom... Mancow, too. Everyone else and I do mean every other show who tries or has tried this format, is in my opinion, a poor facsimile.
In fact, Stern never even tried to broach the Houston market because of Stevens and Pruett and their particular brand of comedy.
Editors Note: This article was reproduced in part from a longer article written by Laurie Kendrick on her blog after the death of Mark Stevens back in 2010. You can read her entire article by clicking here.
Note: If you have photos of Stevens & Pruett you would like to share. Please contact us or share them on one, or all of our social media accounts.